List of National Natural Landmarks in Idaho

These are 11 National Natural Landmarks in Idaho.

Name Image Date Location County Description
1 Big Southern Butte 01976 1976 Atomic City Butte A 2,500 ft Rhyolitic dome that rises over the Eastern Snake River Plain. It illustrates the scope and dimensions of Quaternary volcanism in the western United States.
2 Big Springs 01980 1980 Fremont The only first-magnitude spring in the country that issues forth from rhyolitic lava flows.
3 Cassia Silent City of Rocks 01974 1974 Cassia Monolithic landforms created by exfoliation processes on exposed massive granite plutons.
4 Crater Rings 01980 1980 Elmore Two adjacent and symmetrical pit craters that are among the few examples of this type of crater in the continental United States.
5 Great Rift System 01968 1968 Blaine, Minidoka, Power A tensional fracture in the Earth's crust.
6 Hagerman Fauna Sites 01975 1975 Twin Falls Contains the world's richest deposits of Upper Pliocene age terrestrial fossils.
7 Hell's Half Acre Lava Field 01976 1976 Bingham, Bonneville Fully exposed pahoehoe lava flow.
8 Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area 01980 1980 Shoshone An outstanding example of pristine western red cedar forest.
9 Menan Buttes 01980 1980 Jefferson, Madison Contains outstanding examples of glass tuff cones, which are found in only a few places in the world.
10 Niagara Springs 01980 1980 Gooding Least developed of the large springs discharging into the Snake River from the Snake River plain aquifer system.
11 Sheep Rock 01976 1976 Adams Horizontally layered lavas that represent successive flows on the Columbia River Basalt Plateau.